Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This needs to stop

While picking which sex to have BEFORE you get pregnant doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and honestly, I don't think it is (If I could have before I got pregnant, I would have chosen a girl. Just my personal preference. I want the girl first, and the boy second), the rest of this information I gave you is.  There are organizations out there that are trying to stop infanticide. One such organization is Save the Girl Child. There is a lot of information on this site, so I thought I would just give you the link instead.

(in case that link doesn't work, here is the link itself:

In India, to help the population problem, and stop female infanticide, if a couple has two daughters, and no sons, and voluntarily gets sterilized, the government will pay to help look after the children. This will be paid throughout the daughter's education, then a lump sum when she is 20 for a dowry, or more education. Sounds like a pretty good deal! They are trying to stop infanticide at the economic level.

In China, they are trying to stop it by passing laws. Some of these laws outlaws using technology to find out the sex of the baby to abort, as to escape the infanticide law. Good job China.

Here is a youtube video I found inspiring as well. I hope you like it.

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