Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This needs to stop

While picking which sex to have BEFORE you get pregnant doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and honestly, I don't think it is (If I could have before I got pregnant, I would have chosen a girl. Just my personal preference. I want the girl first, and the boy second), the rest of this information I gave you is.  There are organizations out there that are trying to stop infanticide. One such organization is Save the Girl Child. There is a lot of information on this site, so I thought I would just give you the link instead.

(in case that link doesn't work, here is the link itself:

In India, to help the population problem, and stop female infanticide, if a couple has two daughters, and no sons, and voluntarily gets sterilized, the government will pay to help look after the children. This will be paid throughout the daughter's education, then a lump sum when she is 20 for a dowry, or more education. Sounds like a pretty good deal! They are trying to stop infanticide at the economic level.

In China, they are trying to stop it by passing laws. Some of these laws outlaws using technology to find out the sex of the baby to abort, as to escape the infanticide law. Good job China.

Here is a youtube video I found inspiring as well. I hope you like it.

Modern Selection

In the United States, we now have a choice to choose which baby we will give birth to, especially if you are having infertility issues. Yet, when using these methods to choose which baby to have, most choose a girl. While, as stated before, most wish to have a boy, why would most in this instance choose a girl? Curious.

MicroSort Sex Selection

80% of American families who use MicroSort sperm separation want a girl.
Gender Requested by U.S. Parents Using MicroSort

80% Girls, 20% Boys
The fact that MicroSort is 91% effective for conceiving a girl, compared to only 76% accurate for a boy, is probably a factor in more requests for a girl.

Ericsson Method for Gender Selection

Although the Ericsson method claims a higher success rate for boys, Dr. Ericsson reports that more requests are for girls; in some of the 48 licensed Ericsson clinics, the ratio is as high as 2 to 1.
Gender Requested by U.S. Parents Using the Ericsson Method

Twice as many girls as boys

The Gen-Select Kit

The Gen-Select kit claims to be 96% effective in choosing either a boy or a girl. The company says that virtually all U.S. parents purchase the $199 kit for family balancing, hoping for a child of the opposite gender of the children they already have. Girl kits are purchased 8% more often than boy kits.
Gender of Gen-Select Kits Purchased in the U.S.

54% Girls, 46% Boys

Abortion selection in the United States?

Also, since abortion has been legalized in America, female births have risen. However, there are rare instances in America where the abortions are preformed after they know the sex of the baby. It is very rare, and there is no evidence that the abortion is preformed because of the sex of the baby. While this number is at only 5% of abortions preformed at the week that one should know the sex of the baby, it seems small until you look at it number wise. That means about 65,000 babies in the United States are aborted after the sex is/should be known. Is this gendercide in our country? We may not know, since gender is usually not noted at time of abortion.

Abortions in the U.S. by 10th Week of Pregnancy
Baby's gender is definitely unknown at this point.
Abortions in the 11th through 12th Week of Pregnancy
Possible, but extremely unlikely, that gender is known.
12%Abortions in the 13th through 15th Week of Pregnancy
Some will know gender by this point, but not most.
6%Abortions in the 16th through 20th Week of Pregnancy
Gender is usually determined by ultrasound around 20 weeks.
4%Abortions after the 20th Week of Pregnancy
Gender is probably known by now if an ultrasound is performed.

Adoption preference?

However, in America, the preference for adoption seems to be different. More families request a female baby while adopting, especially if they are adopting from China (96% of families adopting from China request a girl).

It is strange how when the couple is personally having the baby, they prefer a boy. Yet, when they get the honest choice, they prefer a girl. However, with all the adoptions out of China, this may have something to do with the swing of the ratio. Yet, when the adoptions are from Russia, girls are still prefered, but only 52% while 48% requested boys.

Gender Requested by Adoptive Parents

70-90% Girls, 10-30% Boys
Gender of Children Awaiting Adoption in U.S. Foster Care
Same ratio reported for 1998, 2000, and 2001

48% Girls, 52% BoysGender of Children Adopted from U.S. Foster Care, 1971-2001

64% Girls, 36% BoysGender of All Adopted Children in the U.S. Under Age 18
According to Year 2000 U.S. Census

53% Girls, 47% Boys

Gender of Adoptees from China, 2001

96% Girls, 4% Boys
Gender of Adoptees from Russia, 2001

52% Girls, 48% Boys

United States of America

While we do not have any real known female infanticide, or infanticide except for those we coin as crazy, the United States is not far different than the rest of the world.

Americans prefer boy babies over girl babies. Mainly, they view boys as easier to raise than girls, and cheaper, since you pay for the girl's wedding and such. Also, when asking men which gender they would prefer to have, 49% wanted a boy, 22% wanted a girl, and the rest had no preference. When women were asked, the margin was a lot narrower.

While it is not viewed as a necessity to have boys, such as in China or India, we Americans are not far from them.

Modern Infanticide? Really?

Sadly, the truth is still yes. In Asia, reportedly there are "at least 60 million females in Asia are missing and feared dead, victims of nothing more than their sex. Worldwide, research suggests, the number of missing females may top 100 million. " That is an outstanding, astonishing number. Very sickening.

It is sad that these societies view their females that way. That is one reason why my husband and I are planning on adopting from Asia one day (probably India, just so you know.)

Now that technology is at the point it is today, there is an increasing number of abortions preformed after the parents discover the baby is a girl. Especially in China where they have the One-Child Policy
While female infanticide was looked down on socially in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, in Asia, it has always had a historical mark. However, this does not mean those religions were okay with infanticide. Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism also condemn infanticide. It just so happens that the countries who practice those religions are among the poorest, so the female infanticide was mainly to help provide for the family.

The main reason for female infanticide, especially in India, is because the family must provide her with a dowry for marriage. If the family is in poverty, then, to them, the obvious thing to do is to do away with the child.

China viewed female children as only consumers, and having no real place on their farm to produce food. So because of this, the family usually would kill their girls. (Which, when you think of it, what is the mother considered then?)

Historical Infanticide

For my next few posts, I'm going to look into infanticide throughout history. It is good to understand where this comes from in out society.

First off, we have to look at our ancestors. Infanticide is found as far back as hunters and gatherers. It was needed to prevent starvation and keep the population in check. As this article puts it: "One way to control the lethal effects of starvation was to restrict the number of children allowed to survive to adulthood. Darwin believed that infanticide, "especially of female infants," was the most important restraint on the proliferation of early man.", thus beginning the start of female infanticide. While female infanticide may have been necessary at times for the community at large's survival, it became something much worse.

First to try to ban infantcide?

Now, interestingly enough, I have learned through my studies, particularly in my Origins of Great Traditions class, that one person, long ago, tried to stop infanticide. This person was Muhammad. Now, while Muslims get a bad rap because of the whole terrorist attacks and let us not forget 9/11, Muhammad was on to something. He was one of the first to give women more rights, including those who had just begun life. We always see them as being covered up, and that must mean we, as westerners, have more rights and freedoms then they do. Yet, during Muhammad's life in the 600's A.D., Christian women did not have the right to their dowry if divorced, while Muslim women did. Amazing. Just a little piece of information to chew on. :)

Gendercide in Asia

(sorry about the kinda creepy picture... It freaks me out too, but gets the point across)
Oh, we have all heard of China being notorious for this, so this post will deal with China, India, and other parts of Asia.

According to studies, the ratio for male vs female births is so drastic, that it can only be because of human intervention. The natural swing of this ratio is 103/106 boys for every 100 girls. However, there has been a notice to a change in this ratio. All of a sudden, between the years 2000-2004, the ratio was 124 boys to 100 girls.

If this continues, everyone can already see how this will harm the overall population of Asia. While it is already horribly over populated, China's one child policy will hurt them in the long run, especially if there aren't any girls for the boys. You cannot produce babies with one of the parts missing.

On the forum that I am part of at, a lot of discussion goes on about what we "feel" like we are having. While those are gut feelings, a lot of the time they are based off of what you WANT to have. From what I could tell, it is pretty well split down the middle. I believe that in American society, we really do not have a prefrence as to what gender baby we have, or which gender comes first. Of course, we all like the "older brother" idea, but really, we don't care.

Of course, myself, I want a girl first. This is only because I want to dress her in cute little dresses and girl clothes are so much cuter than boy clothes. Eh, just my opinion though.

So, to begin this post, I am going to tell you a little about why I am doing a post about baby gender. I found out about a month ago that my husband and I are expecting our first child. Now, while that is a complete shock and not planned at all, we are now really excited about it. I am 8 weeks a long and have my first appointment tomorrow to hear the heart beat, so fingers crossed all goes well!

Also, after discovering I am pregnant, I joined a forum on for first time mothers, as well as a 'birthing club' online for my due date. Curious as we all are, we stared a "what do you think/want it to be" thread. It is truely amazing how people have prefances as to what their baby is going to be, so I wanted to do a little more digging into how the world views what gender their baby, especially firstborn, should be.

Hopefully you find this blog interesting!